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DoN't LooK tHrOuGh tHe KeY HoLe
Posted by NAK
Date Posted: 10/28/2007

A couple of years ago, when I was 23 years old... my car broke down and I drove as far as it would go. I ended up in front of an old beat-up house. I walked up to the scratched, old and worn out door. I knocked a couple of times until a sweet little old couple answered. They insisted that I stay until the morning when they could get some help.

At first I was scared to say yes but I thought they were nice enough, so I took them up on their generous offer. They cooked me a delicious meal and we all went to bed. As we passed a door to go to the bedroom they showed me was mine for the night they told me, "Do not go into our daughter's room". I thought it was kind of strange but it wasn't my house so I respected their request.

I woke up in the middle of the night around 3 o'clock to go to the bathroom. I was curious so I peeked under the door of the daughter's room. I saw a little girl sitting in a chair facing the wall. I assumed she must have been punished and did not want me to bother her. So I went to the bathroom and then back to bed.

A couple of hours later, around 4:30 am, I became real thirsty. I needed to get some water so I got back up and headed for the kitchen. As I passed by the daughter's room, I was still so curious. I peeked in the key hole this time. All I saw was red so I assumed they must have painted the whole room red, including the key hole.

When I woke up in the morning, I went downstairs and thanked the old couple very much for letting me stay. They said it was no problem and asked how my night was. I said "it was good" and complimented them on the color of the paint job in their daughter's room. They said "what paint job". I then asked if their was anything special about their daughter. They said she died a couple of years ago and had one red eye.

I realized that the red I saw was nothing more than the daughter looking back at me, through the keyhole.

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