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Daniel Sanctum
Posted by DeadlyNightmare
Date Posted: 03/24/2017

Daniel Sanctum was your average eight year old boy, slim, dark brown hair, brown eyes and bright. He made his parents proud with his grades, taking care of his pet cat, and helping his mother Lynnthea as well with chores and cooking.

Life was good for the young boy. He loved to go hunting with his father Charles, when the season peeked for deer. It seemed like nothing could go wrong, he had everything, what more could he ask for?

One night, everything came tumbling down, like a nuke going off and everything was destroyed. His father lost his job, leading him to drink heavily, and his mother started seeing another man. Dan knew he had to step up and do more work then he had. He also knew his mom, Lynnthea had been lying to Charles, about her escapades.

On Dans' ninth birthday, he wished everything could return to normal, but a wish can only go so far. That night his dad was drunk, more drunk then usual, and decided to teach his wife a lesson, a lesson because she stopped loving him.
She had hooked-up with this grotesque man that she vowed to love. He figured she was cheating when a close friend called him after seeing Lynnthea with another man at a restaurant.

Dan woke up to the screams of his beloved mother. Being innocent, he decided to get up and check if she was okay. He tip-toed in the pitch black room, out into the hallway, with a faint light coming from his parents bedroom, and peered inside, among the sounds he saw a shocking sight.

His dad was on top of his mother strangling her, and his mother was yelling in protest, as his father added more of his weight on her. After it was over, Charles pushed Lynnthea off the bed, making her face plant on the wooden floor. He then got off the bed, grabbed her hair, smashing her face into the flooring with a hard thud, until blood leaked out of her nose and mouth.

Dan covered his eyes and backed away slowly, before backing into a corner. He slid down the wall, put his head between his knees and covered his ears. With one last hard thud, Lynnthea had stopped breathing, Charles got up, left the scene and somehow he didn't see his son in the corner. It could be he was too drunk or just forgot.

The morning sun shined through the windows. Dan had not left his spot since he saw what his father did to his mother. He rubbed his eyes hoping it was a nightmare and that he sleep walked into the spot he was in. He quietly creaked his parents door open and saw the bloody body of his dead mother. Dan walked over and placed his hand on her shoulder, pushing her slightly.

"Mom?" he whispered softly "M-mommy?" He realized she was slightly cold, had no pulse and wasn't breathing. He closed his eyes and started to cry, he got up and walked over to the phone to call the police.

When the police arrived, they asked Dan questions about what he saw, why didn't he call sooner, and why did he stay in the house, all of which he couldn't answer well. They wrote it off as shock and had an ambulance take him to the hospital.

Dan laid in the white bed, thinking why his father hurt his mother. She made a mistake, an awful mistake, but he had always learned to forgive those who did make mistakes. Did his father lie about forgiving people? No, that wasn't the case, that wasn't it at all, it was his dad who made the mistake. He should be the one that isn't forgiven, Dan thought.

Dan shut his eyes for a few moments. Just as he was about to fall asleep, a strange visitor entered the room, he introduced himself as Vex. Vex had
heard what had happened and felt like he and Dan shared things in common.

Both of their mothers had died in a gruesome way. Their fathers had vanished and left them alone at a very young age with no relatives to be with. In fact they seemed to be exactly the same in every way, yet Vex was different. He claimed he knew magic, special magic and if Dan helped him, he could repay the favor.

Vex had offered Dan that if he helped bring him ten souls, with those souls he could bring his mother back to life. Excitedly, Dan agreed, but didn't know how to bring Vex the souls,

Vex asked him if he knew how to dance. Dan did learn how to ballroom dance with his mother, and knew some swing, but that was it. Dan told him what he knew. Vex then gave him a box and told him that to get souls, he must lure girls, women, boys and men into a dance, and he would take care of the rest.

Dan carried out his duty and did exactly as Vex told him. He'd lure a lonely person and danced with them, to make them smile, to make them feel better. After they finished dancing, Dan would turn demonic, and dig his claws into
them, ripping their souls out.

This went on for a while for Dan, until he eventually gathered the ten souls. Hoping he had gathered enough, Dan went to Vex. Vex looked at his young warrior, who did everything he asked, but what Dan saw next, made him cower. Vex slowly melted, his face peeling off slowly, revealing a monster.

Vex laughed cruelly and slapped Dan hard across the cheek, telling him he is a fool, that he shouldn't trust strangers who seemed to good to be true. Dan held his cheek, tears flowing down in confusion, asking with a quiver in his voice, "What are you?"

Vex chuckled and a smiled, exposing fangs peering underneath the rotting muscle. "I'm just a lowly demon who wished to be free from his prison.", he replied coldly. "Unfortunately, it seems you have caught yourself in a pickle. With those ten souls, you have set me free and sealed your fate. You are no longer human my dear boy, you are now a criminal. You actually received your own name, the towns people, police and your friends, call you "The Dancer".

Vex started to laugh menacingly, "Oh how good it is to be so free!" I can finally accomplish my deeds, using an idiot like you has been my best work. The best part is Dan, you are now bound to me. No light will keep you safe. Not even your dead mother, she's dead and she had it coming. Possessing your father has been the key to this whole charade.

Dan just stood there in utter humiliation. He could feel his sorrow slowly turn into rage, but knew he didn't have the power to kill Vex. He became something he'd wish he never had, something far more scary then that night his mother died.

He became a monster.

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