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Scary Stories

Just wait and see
Posted by Everything_evil
Date Posted: 04/15/2014

There once were two children named Ashleigh and Thomas. They were the type of kids whom loved scary things but they weren't easily scared. One day, their parents told them they had bought a new house out in the country. Ashleigh and Thomas weren't happy about this, as they were very fond of their current home.

A few weeks later, the family left their old home and moved to the new house. It was large and had about 20 different rooms! To the children this was a scary paradise, but they soon found out they were wrong.....

After the had lived there for a while, the children, who were now 11 years old, were in the living room watching TV. Suddenly Ashleigh screamed. "What's wrong Ashleigh", exclaimed Thomas! "There-there's someone out-outside the window!", said Ashleigh, shakily. Thomas and Ashleigh's parents were out that night and they were alone in the house.

But Ashleigh was right, there was a man outside the window and he was mouthing something.....after he had finished what he was saying, he showed the most evil and sinister smile ever to be seen. The children were frozen with fear and ran upstairs.

"Why isn't mum and dad back yet? It's nearly 01:00!", whispered Thomas.
"I don't know, but I think that guy who was at the window is coming right now!", said Ashleigh. They ran out of the bathroom and went downstairs and into the basement.

The basement was dark so they needed to carry a light with them. They soon found out why their parents weren't home yet.....there they were, lying in the middle of the floor with blood oozing out of their bodies. The children screamed and were about to run away but Thomas saw something lying next to their father's corpse. It was a note that said: now you know why your parents aren't home tonight and you're next.....just wait and see......

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