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The Man In My Nightmare
Posted by creepygirl2
Date Posted: 08/21/2014

"We're here, Alisha." My mom said.

I woke up from my nap and rubbed my eyes. We had been driving for about four hours.

"Finally." I yawned.

Me and my mom walked inside with our suitcases and bags. The house was huge, it was like a mansion. I didn't realize I was in a daydream until my mom waved her hand in front of my face.

"Do you like it?", she asked.

"Love it." I smiled.

"I'm glad." She grinned.

I went upstairs to pick my room. I chose the smallest one as I think the smaller the comfier.

It reached 2:30am. I slid into bed and pulled the covers up to my chin before drifting off to sleep.


"Mom?" I yelled.

No answer.

I crept out of bed, my feet tingled from the cold, marble floor. I walked into my moms room to find an empty bed. It looked like she hadn't gotten in it at all.

I tiptoed downstairs, a wretched, vile smell filled my nostrils, making me almost hurl. I held my nose with my thumb and index finger to block the smell.

I walked into the kitchen and it was empty. Then I walked into the living room and found my mom, she was slaughtered, guts where splattered on the walls and on the furniture.

I covered my mouth with my free hand. Then I burst into tears. Quickly I ran to the phone to dial 911, but the phone line had been cut. Damn.

"Hello, Alisha." The man stood there holding a knife with I'm assuming my mothers blood, dripping from the tip.

"W-what did you do?" I asked.

"What does it look like." He laughed.

"Wh-who are you?" I asked.

"Your.. Worst.. Nightmare." He told me. He walked towards me, the blood from the knife left a trail.

I remember my mom telling me.

"If you pray, all the scary things you think you see or hear will disappear."

"Our father, who art in heaven, hallow be thy name, thy kingd-."

He stuck the knife inside my stomach and pulled it out. My blood squirted everywhere. My eyes began to droop. Then I followed the light. To be with my mother.

"NO!" I screamed.

I woke up, my forehead was sweating, I was panting. It was just a dream.

I looked over at my night stand
and switched it on. Then I noticed a white note besides it and read it.

"Was it just a dream?"

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