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Movie Quotes

Children of the Corn Quote(s)

Quote: It was about 3 years ago I was the only kid in church that day the other ones were out in the cornfield with Isaac I couldn't go because dad didn't like Isaac. After church we always went to Hansen's Cafe. I saw Malachi and the others I guess their meeting with Isaac was over.
Quote: * Sara and I went to play at our old house but Malakai said it was forbidden. I think he was really just jealous cause no one ever asked him to play too! *
Quote: ah moeder ruft
Quote: and all of you shall feel his wrath!
Quote: GO GET HIM!!!!
Quote: They come already, you have the gift of sight, this is a blessing my child
Quote: Behold! A dream did come to me in the night, and the Lord did show all this to me. It was He Who Walks behind the rose. I had to hide my EYES lest the fierceness of his face strike me DEAD. He told me all that has since happend. he said 'Joseph has taken his things and fled this happy place because the worship of me is no more upon him. So take you his life and spill his blood, but let not the flesh pollute the corn. instead, cast his body upon the road.'
Quote: behold a dream did come tome in the night and the lord
ounlay show this to me he tould me have all happen so take his life
and spill his blood but do not net the blood sprote
the corn cast him in the rose.
Quote: Outlander! We have your woman!
Quote: Outlander!!! Come out! We have your woman outlander!! Outlander!!!
Quote: Outlander!!! Come out! We have your woman outlander!! Outlander!!!
Quote: MALACHI!!!! He wants you, too, Malachi...he wants you, too.
Quote: He who walks behind the rows.
Quote: The One who walks behind the rows.

The quotes above are distinct quotations from the associated movie.

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