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Movie Quotes

Resident Evil Quote(s)

Quote: All Umbrella staff must wear their identity tagas at all times. All radiation badges will be collected at 5 pm this afternoon.
Quote: At the beginning of the 21st century, the Umbrella Corporation had become the largest commercial entity in the United States. Nine out of every ten homes contain its products. Its political and financial influence is felt everywhere. In public, it is the world's leading supplier of computer technology, medical products, and healthcare. Unknown, even to its own employees, its massive profits are generated by military technology, genetic experimentation and viral weaponry.
Quote: I'm missing you already.
Quote: I could kiss you, you bitch.
Quote: 1)I just transferred, they probably don't even have me on file yet.
2)It could be true, the locals aren't very efficient.
Quote: You're all going to die down here.
Quote: (1)We found a survivor. (2)And you shot `em?
Quote: Just one bite, one scratch from these creatures is sufficient. And then, you become one of them.

Quote: Something told me.
Quote: You're gonna have to work for your meal! -Chad Kaplan
Quote: rain-jumpy?
Quote: Rain-that homicidal bitch killed my team
Quote: your all going to die down here
Quote: Super-bitch wouldnt open the door so I fried her ass
Quote: Rain: When I get outta here, I think I'm gonna get laid. Spence: You might wanna clean up a bit first.
Quote: Your all going to die down here
Quote: Rain: Blow me!
Quote: im not dead yet!
Quote: we're getting out all of us
Quote: You're all going to die down here. -The Red Queen
Quote: I'm missing you already. -Alice
Quote: (Alice) Rain..... Rain?
(Rain) What?
(Alice) We have to take care of your wounds.
(Rain) I'm fine... (Jerks hand away from Alice) I said I'm fine!
Quote: I don't know what we had, but it's over. - Alice
Quote: Give me that fucking switch right now, I'm gonna fry her ass! - Rain Ocampo
Quote: I don't wanna be one of those things... walking around without a soul. - Rain Ocampo
Quote: You're all going to die down here.
Quote: i'm missing you already
Quote: Blow me!
Quote: You are all going to die down here
Quote: I shot her 5 times....how was she still standing?
Bitch isn't standing now.
Quote: jd: i shot her 5 times! hould could she still be standing?!
rain: the bitch aint standing now.
Quote: girl:Your all going to die down here.
Quote: Rain: I'm not dead yet.
Alice: I could kiss you, you bitch.
Quote: uuuuugghh - zombie
Quote: You're all going to die down here.

The quotes above are distinct quotations from the associated movie.

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