Resident Evil: Apocalypse Quote(s)
Quote: GTA Motherfuck Ten points! Quote: Alice: How long ago were you bitten?
Carlos: Three hours
L.J.: What!
Alice: Looks like today is your lucky day.
L.J.: You should have told me you was bit motherfucker, I'm hanging with you and shit! Quote: Cain: Take off! Why haven't we taken off yet?
L.J.: Well, I usually drive a Cadillac. Quote: My name is Alice and I remember everything. Quote: My name is Alice. I worked for the Umbrella Corporation, the largest most powerful commercial entity in the world. I was head of security at a secret, high-tech facilty called the Hive, a giant underground laboratory developing experimental viral weaponry. But there was an incident. The virus escaped and everyone died. The trouble was...they didn't stay dead. There were two survivors, me and an enviromentalist named Matt. We thought we had survived the horror...we were wrong. Quote: Who the fuck are you? Quote: if it comes doen to that i will do it myself
Quote: Maybe I was safer outside. Get those guns outta my damn face. Motherfucker please, look, my shit is custom. Quote: I've got this bitch. Quote: *Zombie crossing the road*
YEA! 10 POINTS *runs over zombie* Quote: They did something to me, they changed me. Quote: MOTHAFUCKA PLEASE LOOK, MINES IS CUSTOM Quote: I feel safea outside, man get those guns outs my fuckin face. Quote: YOUZ MOTHAFUCKAS IS CRAZY! LOOK AT THAT BIG MOTHAFUCKAS GOTS A ROCKET LAUNCHA! Quote: Jill Valentine - Oh I'm good, but I'm not *that* good Quote: Carlos Oliviera - We're expendable assets, and we've just been expended
The quotes above are distinct quotations from the associated movie.