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Movie Quotes

Underworld Quote(s)

Quote: L: You may have killed me, but my will is done, none the less.
Quote: ^^
Thats utter bullshit. I just watched the film not 5 minutes ago and MovieFreak's quotes are correct so quite lying like the bullshitter you are.
Quote: buddy i took part in the creation of the film, therefore meaning the creation of the script. I know this movie like the back of my hand..trust me..most of movie freaks quotes are incorrect.
Quote: No Actually Moviefreak does have them right,I've watched the movie enough to know that
Quote: Please forgive me, but I desperately need your guidance. I apologize for awakening you ahead of schedule, but I fear we may all be in grave danger. Especially you, my lord, if left in your weakened state. For I believe that Lucian is alive and well. Here. Now. In this very city, preparing to hit us during the Awakening ceremony. Even more disturbing, is that if I'm correct, it would mean that Kraven is in league with him.
Quote: Selene: Get in. (speeds away from the house) You can never come here do you understand?
Micheal: Why? Who are you peopl?
Selene: Whether you like it or not, you're in the middle of a war that has been raging for the better part of a thousand years. A blood feud between vampires and lycans. Werewolves. Most people die within a hour of being bitten by a immortal. the virus is deadly.
Micheal: And if you bit me I would become a vampire instead?
Selene: No yo would die!

Quote: Kraven: You should of listened to me and stayed out of this. You'll be lucky if I can convince the Council to spare you life.
Selene: Tell me. Did you have the nerve to cut the skin from his arm, or did Lucian have to do it for you?
Kraven: Mark my words. Soon you will be seeing things my way.
Quote: Kahn: I'll have to run some test but it's some kind of liquid. Selene: Ultraviolent ammunition.
Kahn: Daylight, harnessed s a weapon and from what you've described, extremly effective.
Kraven: You expect me to believe that a mangy animal came up with a bullet specifically engineered to kill vampires?
Kahn: No, I'm betting it's military. Some kind of high-tech tracer round.
Quote: Erika: I don't think Viktor would like you to freeze while staring at his tomb.
Selene: No he would want all the death dealers out there right now, scouring every square centimeter of this city. Damn Kraven! He's a bureaucrar, not a warrior.
Quote: (Viktor talking to Kraven in the recovery area.)
Viktor: This coven has grown weak... decadent. Perhaps I should of left someone else in charge of my affairs... Still Selene's memories are... chaotic, with no sense of time or sequence.
Kraven: Then, please, my lord, allow me to summon some assistance. Heed me, my lord. You are in great need to rest.
Viktor: I've rested enough. What you can do is summon Marcus. It's time that I was made aware of the matters as they stand.
Kraven: (looking at Marcus's tomb) But..... he still slumbers, my lord. Amelia and the council are scheduled to arrive here tomorrow night... to awaken Marcus, not you. You have been awakened a full century ahead of schedule.
Quote: (Selene and Viktor talking in the recovery area)
Viktor: Come closer my child.
Selene: I have been lost without you, my lord. Constantly hounded by Kraven and his never ending infatuation.
Viktor: It's the oldest story in the annals of mankind. He disires the one thing he cannot have.
Quote: (Selene and Viktor about how she believes that Lucian is alive)
Selene:-(about awaking him) But I had no choice. The coven is in danger, and Micheal is the key. I know it!
Viktor: Ah, yes. The lycan.
Selene: Please, just give me the chance to get the proof you require.
Viktor: I will leave it to Kraven to collect the proof, if there is any.
Selene: How can you trust him over me?
Viktor: Because he is not the one who has been tainted by an animal.
Quote: (Kraven talking to Selene about how she awoke Viktor)
Kraven: How could you do this to me. Embarress me like this? The entire coven knows I have plans for us.
Selene: There is no us.
Kraven: (pinning Selene to the wall) You will go before Viktor and tell him exactly what I tell you. From here on out, you will do what I say. Is that in any way unclear?
Selene: (slaps him and walks off)
Quote: after Viktor has been awakened)
Viktor: (to Kraven) Do you know why I have been awakened, my servant?
Kraven: No, my lord. But I will soon find out.
Viktor: You mean when you find her.
Kraven: Yes, my lord. I give you my word that she shall be found!
Viktor: You will let her come to me. We have much to discuss, Selene and I. She has shown me great many disturbing things. Things that will be dealt with soon enough.
Quote: (after Kraven killed Micheal)
Kraven: (to Selene) That's enough your coming with me.
Selene: Never. I only hope I live long enough to watch Viktor slowly choke the life out of you.
Kraven: I'll bet you do, but let me tell you something about your dark father. He killed your family not the lycans.
Quote: (talking about the subway fight)
Selene: Random? They opened fire on us in full view of the public. And from the commotioni heard down in the tunnel-
Kraven: You said yourself that you didn't actually see anything.
Selene: I know what I heard and I know what my gut tells me. And I'm warning you that there could be a dozen lycans down there in the subway tunnels. Who knows, maybe even hundreds.
Kraven: We've hunted them to the brink of extinction.
Kahn: Kraven is right. There hasn't been a den of that magnitude for centuries... not since the days of Lucian.
Selene: I know that, Kahn. But I'd rather have you prove me wrong by checking it out.
Quote: this isnt a quote from the movie bu whoever, moviefreak is you seriously have all your quotes wrong trust me all of them are wrong!
Quote: Michael:Selene! I need to speech with Selene!Whats happening to me!? Kraven: is this Michael! is it! Selene: Im comming out Kraven: if you leave, you'll never be welcome in this house again Selene: now that viktors awake we'll see wat he has to say about that.
Quote: The war had all but ground to a hault in a blink of an eye. Lucian, the most feared and ruthless leader ever to rule the Lycan clan, had finally been killed. The Lycan horde scattered to the winds in a single evening of flame and retribution. Victory, it seemed was in our grasp, the very birth right of the vampires. Nearly 6 centuries have passed since that night, but the ancient blood feud proved unwilling to follow Lucian to the grave. Though Lycans were fewer in number, the war itself had become more paralys, for the moon no longer held her sway. Older, more powerful Lycans were now able to change at will. The weapons have evolved but our orders remained the same, hunt them down and kill them off one by one. A most successful campain, perhaps, too successful. For those like me, a deathdealer this signeld the end of an era, like the weapons of the previous century, we too had become obsolete, pity, because i live for it.
Quote: Lucian: Did they know that you were following a human.
Raze: I don't know i'm not sure.
Lucian: which is it your not sure or you don't know.
Raze: i don't know
Lucian: Must I do everything myself?
Quote: Erika: I knew i should of told you first and she didn't listen to me.
Kraven: What are you talking about?
Erika: Her human Michel he's not a human he is lycan. he's been bitten.
Quote: Michel: You've lost a lot of blood. pull over the car. (leaning closer to Selene) Pull the car over.
Selene: (Taking out a gun) Shut up and sit back i'm fine.
Quote: Michel: I need to talk to Selene! Selene what's happening to me?
Selene: I'm coming out.
Kraven: If you live you will never be welcome in this house again.
Selene: Well now that Vitkor is awake you'll have to run it by him.
Quote: Selene: Kraven please tell me where you brave enough to cut the skin from Lucian or did he do it for you?
Quote: Selene: Vitkor would believe me
Erika: (to Kraven) I would never would talk to you like that.
Kraven: Of course not!
Quote: Kraven: Fine i'll send Soren to check it out.
Selene: No i want to lead
Quote: Selene: I know what i heard. there might be dozens maybe more maybe hundreds.
Quote: Kahn: I'll have to run some test but it's some kind of liquid.
Selene: UV raditian
Kahn: Daylight
Kraven: So your telling me that the Lycans made a bullet made to kill vampires?
Kahn: No it's something they stole. Government maybe.
Quote: Selene: Viktor please forgive me for breaking the chain but i need your help. I have come to believe that Lucian may still be alive.
Quote: Erika: I don't think Viktor would like you to freeze while staring at his tomb.
Selene: No he would want all the death dealers out looking around the city.
Quote: Erika: You don't plan to change him do you?
Selene: No!
Quote: Viktor: Lucian is dead.
Singe: According to whom?
Quote: The place is buzzying about your new pet
Quote: Micheal: Who are you people?
Quote: Kraven: You will be lucky if I can get the covens to save your life.
Quote: Lucian: Hello Micheal!
Quote: Erika: Why did you bring him here?
Selene: He saved my life.
Quote: Selene: Though I can not predict the future, the consequences of this night will reverberate through the halls of both great covens for many years to come. Two vampire elders have been slain. One by my own hand. Soon, Marcus will take the throne and a tirade of anger and retribution will spill out into the night. Differences will be set aside, allegiances will be made and soon I will become the hunted.
Quote: Lucian: You're acting like a pack of rabid dogs! And that, gentlemen, simply will not do. Not if you expect to defeat the vampires on their own ground. Not if you expect to survive at war.
Quote: Selene: The war had all but ground to a halt in the blink of an eye. Lucian, the most feared and ruthless leader ever to rule the lycan clan, had finally been killed. The lycan hoard scattered to the wind in a single evening of flame and retribution. Victory, it seemed, was in our grasp. The very birthright of the vampyres. Nearly 6 centuries had passed since that night, yet the ancient bloodfeud proved unwilling to follow Lucian to the grave. Though lycans were fewer in number, the war itself had become more perilous, for the moon no longer held her sway. Older, more powerful lycans, were now able to change at will. Weapons had evolved, but our orders remained the same, hunt them down and kill them off, one by one. A most successful campaign ... perhaps ... too successful. For those like me, a Death Dealer, this signaled the end of an era. Like the weapons of the previous century, we too would become obsolete. Pity, because I lived for it.
Quote: Lucian: It was forbidden, our union. Viktor feared a blending of the species. Feared it so much, that he killed her; his own daughter. Burned alive...for loving me.

Quote: [Adam is trying to verify Michael's story of what happened to him]
Dr. Adam Lockwood: A full-grown man bit you?
[Michael shows him the wound]
Dr. Adam Lockwood: Sure it wasn't a dog?
Michael Corvin: [angrily] I said it was a man!
Quote: Selene: How can you trust him over me?
Viktor: Because he's not the one who has been tainted by an animal
Quote: Selene: Lycans are allergic to silver. We have to get the bullets out quickly, or they end up dying on us during questioning.
Michael Corvin: What happens to them afterward?
Selene: We put the bullets back in.
Quote: Lucian: We were slaves once. The daylight guardians of the vampires. I was born into servitude. Yet I harbored them no ill will. Even took a vampire for my bride. It was forbidden, our union. Viktor feared a blending of the species. Feared it so much he killed her. His own daughter. Burnt alive for loving me. This is his war. Viktor's. And he spent the last 600 years exterminating my species
Quote: Selene: It wasn't the Lycans. It was you. How could you bare my trust knowing that you killed my family?
Viktor: Yes, I have taken from you but I have given so much more. Is it not a fair trade for life I have granted you? The gift of immortality?
Selene: And the life of you daughter? Your own flesh and blood?
Viktor: I loved my daughter! But the abomination growing in her womb was a betrayal of me and the coven! I did what was necessary to protect the species. As I am forced to do yet again.
Quote: Raze: BLOODS!
Quote: Vitkor: There can be no such human.
Quote: Vitkor: Absolution will be yours the moment you kill Micheal.
Quote: Selene: I'm not positive but I'm being to believe the lycans are after him.
Quote: Vitkor: The Chain has never been broken not in 14 centuries.
Quote: Lucain: Soon we will defeat the vampires on their own ground.
Quote: For those like me - a Death Dealer - this signaled the end of an era. Like the weapons of the previous century, we too would become obsolete. Pity, because I lived for it.
Quote: I want that Lycan's head in a plate!
Quote: Kraven, I'll never understand why Viktor left him in charge, he's a burocrat not a warrior
Quote: There is a descendent of Corvinus lying there! Not three feet from you. -Yes but he was already a Vampire, we needed a pure source
Quote: To my knowledge an Awakening has never been performed by one such as myself
Quote: Don't forget I've bled for you once already, without me you'd have nothing, you'd be nothing
Quote: Tell me, did you have the nerve to cut the skin from Lucian's arm or did he do it for you?
Quote: It's the oldest story in the book, he wants the one thing he cannot have
Quote: Why did you bring him here? Because he saved my life
Quote: Absolution will be yours once you kill this Michael
Quote: Her human, Michael, he's not a human at all, he's a Lycan
Quote: The war itself had become more perilous, the weapons had evolved yet our orders remained the same...Hunt them down and kill them off one by one
Quote: The Corvinus clan, one bitten by bat, one by wolf, one to walk the lonely path of mortality it's a ridiculous story
Quote: So if you bite me I'll become a vampire? No you die! No one has survived a bite from both species
Quote: He killed his own daughet for loving me
Quote: Whether you like it or not, you're in the middle of a war that has been raging for the better part of a thousand years. A blood feud between Vampires and Lycans... Werewolves.

Quote: If you are bitten by a Vampire you die.
Quote: Soon Marcus will be alive and I''l be the hunted
Quote: Other than food why would Lycans want a human?
Quote: How can you trust him over me? Because he's not the one who's been tainted by an animal
Quote: Take Erika she's dying to be your side
Quote: He's atractive...for a human
Quote: Lucian is dead! According to whom?
Quote: Lycans are allergic to silver. We have to get the bullets out quickly or they end up dying on us during questioning.
What happens to them afterwards?
We put the bullets back in
Quote: Now that Vicktor's back let's see what he has to say about that
Quote: Why are you helping me?
I'm not, I'm helping me
Quote: Half Vampire, half Lycan but stronger than both
Quote: You may have killed me cousin but my will is done regardless.
Quote: Lucian: I guess it never occured to you that you might actually have to bleed to pull this little stunt
Quote: Selene: We have a serious problem.
Quote: -Jump out the window!
-Are you f**king kidding me?!
Quote: I am a Death Dealer, sworn to destroy those known as the Lychans. Our war has waged for centuries, unseen by human eyes. But all that is about to change.

The quotes above are distinct quotations from the associated movie.

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